
  • VOl.8 No.1 TUJR(2023), Part (2)
    مجلد 8 عدد 1 (2023)

    In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

    The word number
    Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger as a mercy to the worlds, our master Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions, and after.
    In this issue, the magazine (Tikrit University of Law) enters its eighth year under its new name and with its two new international numbers (for the paper edition and for the electronic edition), opening its pages to law professors and students to publish their research and the solid legal research that their pens have created in various branches of law.
    The seventh year of the magazine was an exceptional year, as the magazine met all the conditions and standards required by the Arab Impact Factor and advanced in the classification. The number of published researches has increased
    To (200) research papers in various legal fields, distributed over (4) quarterly issues.
    The past year also witnessed a noticeable increase in the number of research papers submitted by professors from outside Tikrit University, as the number reached more than 300 research papers, in addition to a significant number of research papers submitted by professors from outside Iraq and from various universities and nationalities. With this increase in research received into the magazine and with the beginning of the new year of the magazine, this issue is issued, containing (50) solid legal research papers submitted to the magazine from inside and outside Iraq, and from various academic institutions, to be a source for specialists in legal sciences.
    The journal's new digital system has also been completed, according to which all procedures for the journal, including receiving, evaluating, and publishing research, will be done electronically.
    On this occasion, I extend my sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of the magazine on both the scientific and administrative levels.
    And from God, success

    Mr. Dr. Baraa Munther Kamal Abdel Latif

  • VOl.8 No.1 TUJR(2023), Part (1)
    مجلد 8 عدد 1 (2023)

    The Tikrit University Journal of Law is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific quarterly publication issued by the College of Law at Tikrit University. The journal is internationally, physically, and electronically indexed and is catalogued in numerous search engines. It is also listed on the Iraqi Scientific Journals website, accredited for academic promotions, and recognized in many countries worldwide.   This journal focuses on publishing research across various legal fields submitted by researchers within and outside Iraq. All submissions undergo scientific evaluation by qualified experts.
  • VOl.7 No.4 TUJR(2023), Part (1)
    مجلد 7 عدد 4 (7)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، والحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. وبعد:
    مع صدور العدد الرابع في حزيران من عام 2023 ، تنهي المجلة عامها السابع بتسميتها وحلتها الجديدة، وقد قدمت المجلة - خلال ما صدر عنها من أعداد خلال السنوات السبع الماضية بحوثاً علمية مُحكمة قَيَّمة في موضوعاتها ،متميزة في طرحها وجدتها وأصالتها، وعالجت كثيراً من الوقائع والقضايا القانونية  التي تمس الحاجة إلى بيان الحكم القانوني  فيها في أسلوب سهل بيّن، ونأمل أن تحقق الهدف الذي ترجوه هذه الجامعة وتطمح إليه في سبيل الرقي العلمي والبحثي، والوصول إلى أسمى مراتب التميز والجودة وخدمة المجتمع.
    لقد كان العام السابع للمجلة عاماً غزيراً بالعطاء إذ نشرت المجلة (190) بحثاً في مختلف الميادين القانونية، توزعت على(4) إعداد فصلية ، وبواقع جزأين في كل عدد. إذ تم زيادة عدد الأبحاث المنشورة إلى (50) بحثاً في العدد الواحد، وازداد عدد البحوث الواردة إلى المجلة ليصل إلى نحو ثلاثمائة بحث .
    ومع بزوغ العدد القادم ستنتقل المجلة نقلة نوعية جديدة في التطور الرقمي لتصبح جميع الإجراءات فيها  الكترونية من مرحلة استلام البحث مروراً بتقويمه ، وانتهاءً بنشره.
    وبهذه المناسبة أتقدم بالشكر الجزيل لكل من أسهم في إنجاز أعداد المجلة ،واستمرار تقدمها وتألقها وزيادة انتشارها محلياً وعربياً.
    أ.د. بــراء منذر كمال عبداللطيف
                                                                 رئيـس التحريـــر

  • Tikrit University Journal for Rights: TUJR
    مجلد 7 عدد 4 (7)


    Tikrit University Journal for Rights was first established in 2009 and was interested in publishing legal and political research  papers, in Arabic and English , it  specialized in publishing research papers related to legal science only. It was issued quarterly. Tikrit University Journal For Rights is an international journal intended to meet the present need for the dissemination of new information, ideas and methods, to both practitioners and academicians in all branches of law. The Journal is concerned with all aspects of the justice legal system in terms of their relationship to each other.. Articles that reflect the application of new disciplines or analytical methodlogies to the problems of legal justice are of special interest. Since the purpose of the Journal is to provide a forum for the dissemination of new ideas, new information, and the application of new methods to the problems and functions of the criminal justice system, the Journal emphasizes innovation and creative thought of the highest quality.