The Compatibility of the Iraqi Legal Regulation with International Standards within The Framework of the Social Security Regime - Analytical Study of the Iraq Social Security Bill -
- Iraqi legal regulation. - Social security. - Social protection. - The working class.Abstract
: The draft social security law in Iraq is an important step towards expanding the scope of social security for workers in the private sector and providing effective guaranteed protection for large groups of individuals within the framework of efforts to establish a comprehensive social protection system in Iraq. This law seeks to secure the health, safety, and future of living for all members of the working class in the country. The methods of the Social Security Law are divided into several branches: the health insurance branch, the work injury insurance branch, the retirement insurance branch, and the services guarantee branch.
The research deals with the minimum standards for social security that were specified in an agreement, which is the text of the Minimum Standards for Social Security Agreement No. 102 of 1952. It also aims to identify the latest developments on these standards and the extent of their application in Iraq and legislative practices under the applicable law and the proposed draft law, as a Framework for ways to strengthen social security and assistance systems.
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Fourth: Electronic Links:
Available on the website of the Iraqi Council of Representatives at the link:
Promoting Decent Work in Iraq ILO November 2020 Evolution of the implementation of the Decent Work Country Program in Iraq, ILO, available at: wcms_760300.pdf (