The role of oversight bodies in Western human rights conventions in protecting the right to an appropriate environment


  • Dr. Nayef Ahmed Dahi College of Rights, Tikrit University, Salahaddin, Iraq
  • Prof. Lect. Ali Aday Murad . College of Rights, Tikrit University, Salahaddin, Iraq


- Regional oversight. - European Convention on Human Rights. - The American Convention on Human Rights.


Abstract: Oversight bodies in Western human rights conventions play a prominent role in protecting human rights, including the right to an appropriate environment, due to the procedures they take and the powers they have in this regard to protect this right, especially if we know that some of these conventions have allowed individuals  And non-governmental organizations file complaints directly before regional courts, and some of them were limited to human rights committees, so we relied in our research on the two most important systems in the field of human rights monitoring in Western systems, which are the European system, which is considered a pioneer in this field, and the American system, which comes after it with effectiveness in  The issue of protecting human rights, including the right to an appropriate environment.



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International charters and agreements

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How to Cite

Dr. Nayef Ahmed Dahi, & ., P. L. A. A. M. (2024). The role of oversight bodies in Western human rights conventions in protecting the right to an appropriate environment. TIKRIT UNIVERSITY JOURNAL FOR RIGHTS, 8(1), 114–136. Retrieved from