The neglecting in public service as a sample for criminal fraud


  • Dr. Zeina Zuhair Mohammed Sheet . College of Rights, University of Mosul, Nineveh


- Neglecting . - Public service duties. - Legal impacts.


Abstract: The phenomenon of job negligence is due to the increase، in the commission of unintentional، crimes arising from it، as well as the expansion of the scope of unintentional criminalization in legal legislation. Complete، that is، the harmful consequence of violating a right protected by law، such as the right to life or bodily integrity. The scope of criminalization has now extended to negligent behavior that endangers legally protected rights and interests even if it does not actually harm them. On this basis، we will discuss in this study the functional negligence and the forms of error that are crimes punishable by law to reach effective solutions to reduce them and indicate the appropriateness of the punitive texts for these crimes.


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How to Cite

., D. Z. Z. M. S. (2024). The neglecting in public service as a sample for criminal fraud. TIKRIT UNIVERSITY JOURNAL FOR RIGHTS, 8(1), 329–359. Retrieved from